
Caleb Wygal’s characters search for Blackbeard’s gold – Review from The Charlotte Observer

Here is Dannye Romine Powell’s review of Blackbeard’s Lost Treasure in the Charlotte Observer. 

Imagine you’re digging around in the archives of the Museum of Natural History in Raleigh, and you unearth the diary of Blackbeard’s wife, Mary Ormond Teach. That’s Caleb Wygal’s premise in his new novel, “Blackbeard’s Lost Treasure.”

Wygal lives in Concord, and he spins a tale of two friends who, map in hand, search for the treasure. But wait. They’re being shadowed. It’s a race to find the treasure before they’re killed.

Wygal fills the novel with lots of interesting information, much of it factual. And he’s created believable characters in Lucas Caine, who’s suffering from the loss of his beloved grandfather and from the break-up of his marriage, and in N.C. State grad Darwin Trickett, who works at the Museum of Natural History but longs to be a marine archaeologist.

Nothing in fantasy literature equals the search for buried treasure. Wygal’s tale will not disappoint.

You can learn more and order your copy of Blackbeard’s Lost Treasure here.